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Available Courses & Membership

The List Academy $5000 CDN (Reg $6000)

Group Coaching - 1 year program.

Single Payment - Save $1000

The List Academy $6000 CDN

Group Coaching - 1 year program

Billed Monthly ($500/month)

Digital Resources: The Essentials

$27.00 USD

The Essentials: Mini-Course

  Simplify Your Business and Get More Time Back! You may be thinking, "What?! That's crazy!"  I know!  But what if it's true...?  Just think what else would change like a ripple effect from this one decision.   It would be even crazier to WAIT or pass up on this offer!   For just $7, you can start today and experience a huge productivity boost, wave goodbye to overwhelm, and free up time for what really matters.

$7.00 USD

The Essentials Circle

Our student community is a space to collaborate, ask questions, and share insights as you implement the tools and systems from this course. You'll get access to ongoing support, expert tips, and real-world strategies to refine your workflows and elevate your business. Together, we'll celebrate wins, troubleshoot challenges, and keep each other motivated on the path to success!
